Here you'll find some of our most commonly asked questions. If you can't find our answer here or have any other question please don't hesitate to get in touch with our friendly team.

Is it secure to buy online through your site?

Yes, our website uses Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption technology which is the industry standard for protecting and maintaining the security of message transmissions over the internet.

You can see this in the address bar of your browser with the little padlock symbol and with each page starting https://.

Any information you enter on secured sites like ours is encrypted into an unreadable format to discourage unauthorised access by others.

We also use Braintree or Paypal to process your card details which are both fully secure sites.

What service do you deliver with?

We use DPD for next working day delivery, DX for larger items and Royal Mail for smaller items.

Full details of the service level you can expect and delivery costs are on our Delivery page.

What happens if I purchase a product and the size isn't quite right?

You can either return it to us and we'll swap it for your alternative size, or take it to one of our stockists and exchange it there (subject to the stores' stock).

If we don't have your new size in stock, you can either select an alternative product (and we'll refund or charge you the difference) or you can have a full refund.

Can I return my item if it doesn't fit or if I just don't like it?

Yes, full details are on our Returns page.

I cannot find the item I am looking for online, do you have it or can you get it?

We can look in to this for you, just get in touch for our customer service page.

I am after some expert advice on a product, can you help me?

Of course, just get in touch for our customer service page.

How can I find my nearest BKS stockist?

Just click at the top of the page on "Stockists", or here.

Who owns BKS?

The BKS brand is owned by the largest independent motorcycling clothing and accessories retailer in the UK, J&S Accessories.

© Copyright 2024 BKS Clothing. All rights reserved. Part of the J&S Group

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